2017 wcwwa attendee flyer.pdf
2017 wcwwa vendor flyer.pdf
Track 1 – Water Treatment
0900 – 1000 4-log Virus Treatment under the Groundwater Rule – Guy Schott, DDW (1 Contact Hour)
An in depth look and treatment options and how to calculate CTs
1000 – 1100 Regulation Update – Janice Thomas, DDW (1 Contact Hour)
An overview of recent and upcoming regulations that will likely affect your system.
1100 – 1200 Tradeshow
An opportunity to meet with several knowledgeable vendors and learn about the latest products in the industry.
1200 – 1300 Lunch
Enjoy a hearty lunch while we raffle off dozens of prizes. All proceeds from the raffle go toward our scholarship fund.
1300 – 1400 Preparing for System Inspections – Joy Wildflower. (1 Contact Hour)
An overview of what to expect when it’s time for your next inspection.
1400 – 1600 Cyanobacteria. The good, the bad, and the ugly – Donny Breedlove, Cal Water ( 2 Contact Hours)
A look into the biology and control of blue green algae.
Track 2 – Management/Supervision
0900 – 1600 Utility Management Workshop – Angela Wendele, CRWA (5 Contact Hours)
This workshop will consist of a guided self-assessment of your system and identify areas for improvement that are critical at your utility. You will learn how to make improvements in the ten key management areas, focusing first on the most pressing issues. The workshop is very interactive which will allow you to compare your priorities to neighboring systems. (There will be a break from 1100 – 1300 for tradeshow and lunch).
Track 3 - Distribution
0900 – 1000 Wells – Randy Vessels, RCAC (1 Contact Hour)
Monitoring what we cannot see; this track will give participants the information and resources they need to understand common components of wells, vertical turbine and submersible well pumps/motors, and operation and maintenance techniques.
1000 – 1100 Storage – Randy Vessels, RCAC (1 Contact Hour)
This module will give participants the information and resources they need to understand the different types of storage tanks, proper operation and maintenance guidelines, and possible pathways of contamination.
1100 – 1200 Tradeshow
An opportunity to meet with several knowledgeable vendors and learn about the latest products in the industry.
1200 – 1300 Lunch
Enjoy a hearty lunch while we raffle off dozens of prizes. All proceeds from the raffle goes toward our scholarship fund.
1300 – 1400 Piping & Valves - Randy Vessels, RCAC (1 Contact Hour)
This Module will give participants the information and resources they need to understand the different types of distribution piping and valves, and maintenance guidelines that reduce long-term expenditures
1400 – 1500 Hydrants & Flushing – Randy Vessels, RCAC (1 Contact Hour)
This module will give participants the information and resources they need to understand proper operation and maintenance of hydrants, common components and types, and developing a flushing plan.
1500 – 1600 Distribution Math Review – Randy Vessels, RCAC (1 Contact Hour)
This module will lead participants through common distribution system operator math including general numbers to know, calculating volume, pressure, chemical dosing, specific gravity and velocity. Please bring a calculator and pen or pencil