30th Annual Wine Country Water Works Trade Show and Training Symposium

  • 25 Aug 2016
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Sally Tomatoes- 1100 Valley House Dr., Rohnert Park, CA


  • This registration applies to those people who do not have a current membership with the Association. This $70 charge includes membership for one year, one meal ticket and up to 5 Contact Hours.
  • This registration applies to those people who have a current membership with the Association. Includes one meal ticket and up to 5 Contact Hours.
  • This registration applies to vendors who are current members of the association. Includes one table top and one lunch ticket.
  • This registration applies to vendors who are current members of the association. Includes two table tops and two lunch tickets
  • A Vendor (Non-Member) registration includes a one year membership for one main contact from the company. Individual lunch tickets do not cover membership fees for additional employees. Company must have at least one active member to attend show. This fee includes one table top and one lunch ticket.
  • This Vendor (Non-Member) registration includes a one year membership for one main contact from the company. Individual lunch tickets do not cover membership fees for additional employees. Company must have at least one active member to attend show. This fee includes two table tops and two lunch tickets.
  • $30 fee for additional meal ticket. Vendor company is required to pay for at least one table in order to qualify for this price. Does not include membership.

Registration is closed

Thank you for your registration,we look forward to your attendance!


7:00 Vendor Set-Up Begins

8:00 Attendee Registration Begins

8:00-9:00 Vendor Fair

9:00 Training Classes Begin

11:00-12:00 Vendor Fair

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-4:00 Training Classes


Payment and Registration Options

  1. Sign up online here
  2. Email or fax the form below to us at WineCountryWWA@yahoo.com or 707-575-3786  

2016 wcwwa attendee flyer.pdf

2016 WCWWA vendor registration.pdf

Track #1

9:00 – 11:00   (2 Contact Hours)

DDW Regulatory Update/Electronic Submittals/Navigating Drinking Water Watch  – Janice Thomas, Hector Cazares, Karen Stufkosky, Waldon Wong Waterboards

DDW will provide an update on important regulatory topics.  Some of the items to be covered will be an Update on Regulations, Electronic Submittals, Navigating Drinking Water Watch and District 18 Website.

11:00 – 12:00


An opportunity to visit the many vendors on hand to explore the latest tools, gadgets and services in the water industry.

1:00 – 2:00   (1 Contact Hour)

Water SCADA – Best Practices – Mike Llapitan, Wonderware

An overview of HMI Design, Alarm Management and Secure Remote Access.

2:00 – 4:00   (2 Contact Hours)

Jar Testing – Freddie Vaziri, NTU Technologies

Step by step instruction on how to accurately perform a jar test to evaluate effective chemical dosages for source waters.

Track #2

9:00 – 11:00   (2 Contact Hours)

Fire Hydrant and Gate Valve Assembly and Maintenance – Eric Benson, Clow Valve Company

How to assemble and disassemble Fire Hydrants and Gate Valves as well as routine maintenance practices.

11:00 – 12:00


An opportunity to visit the many vendors on hand to explore the latest tools, gadgets and services in the water industry.

1:00 – 4:00   (3 Contact Hours)

Cla-Val Automatic Control Valves – Joe Passalacqua, Cla-Val

An overview of the many functions that automatic control valves can perform.  Will also cover basic maintenance and troubleshooting.

Track #3

9:00 – 10:00   (1 Contact Hour)

Distribution System Math – John Hamner, RCAC

This session will cover Units and Conversion Factors.

10:00 – 11:00   (1 Contact Hour)

Distribution System Math – John Hamner, RCAC

This session will focus on Volume (Tanks and Pipes)

11:00 – 12:00


An opportunity to visit the many vendors on hand to explore the latest tools, gadgets and services in the water industry.

1:00 - 2:00   (1 Contact Hour)

Distribution System Math – John Hamner, RCAC

This session will focus on calculating pressures.

2:00 - 3:00   (1 Contact Hour)

Distribution System Math – John Hamner, RCAC

This session will focus on Flow, Velocity and Area.

3:00 - 4:00   (1 Contact Hour)

Distribution System Math – John Hamner, RCAC

This session will focus on Chlorine. 

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